Saturday, May 18, 2019

Chronic Gastritis Treatment


Gastritis can become a diagnostic challenge. The discomfort in this area is not only a sign of problems of the digestive system, but they can also alert of disorders that affect the thorax or the pelvic area.


1/7 The cardiovascular system warns

Sometimes, a heart attack is accompanied by severe pain in the epigastrium.

  • Acute infarction manifests with pain irradiated to the hypogastrium or the mesogastrium in one-third of the cases, especially women over 65 years of age.
  • Other cardiac disorders may "project pain" in the upper abdomen, especially on the left side, such as congestive insufficiency and aneurysm of the abdominal aorta.

2/7 Urological disorders

In this case, especially the pelvic and lumbar area hurts, but it is also common to notice it in the lower abdomen.

  • Nephritic or renal colic is a very intense pain that appears suddenly. The main focus is located in the lumbar region, although it radiates to the abdomen and groin.
  • An infection of the urinary tract also causes pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

3/7 When herpes zoster hurts

It is a very rare cause and one that is not easily suspected, but the fact is that the physical eruption of this varicella virus can be preceded - a few days or a few weeks before - by a sharp Chronic Gastritis.

  • According to recent studies, the painful sensation - which tends to be combined with heat and itching - can even be disabling, comparable to that experienced when suffering from biliary or nephritic colic.

4/7 Can there be life risk?

Occasionally, Chronic Gastritis may indicate an extremely serious condition:

  • Acute diffuse peritonitis: generates an extended infection that can compromise life (when germs reach the abdominal cavity). The warning is strong pain, especially when palpated.
  • Intestinal obstruction: it presents with intense pain (cramping type), which arises in outbreaks and sometimes with abdominal distension and nausea.

5/7 Gynecological discomforts

Disorders of the female reproductive system can be painful in the lower part of the abdominal cavity.

  • Menstrual disturbances (dysmenorrhea) often radiate to the abdomen.
  • Endometriosis, ovarian cysts, and myomas are other problems that expand pain beyond the pelvis.
  • Ectopic pregnancy, ruptured ovarian cyst, adnexal torsion, or pelvic inflammatory disease can also cause severe pain.

6/7 Pain under the lungs

Some disorders that affect the lungs can cause pain to run to the upper abdomen.

  • One of the symptoms of pulmonary embolism (the ducts are blocked by a blood clot in the lung) is a pain in the upper part of the stomach.
  • Basal pneumonia or a pneumothorax (air escapes from the lung and pain increases when you breathe deeply) can also cause it.

7/7 Drug abuse

People who usually consume non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or acetylsalicylic acid, may suffer painful lesions in the abdomen area.

  • It has been proven that, in the long run, these drugs generate dyspepsia (stomach discomfort) in 20% of cases.

In the abdomen are concentrated many pain receptors connected to other parts of the body.

Therefore, although initially the relationship is not suspected (and therefore, it is difficult to make a diagnosis) "many kidneys, gynecological, lung and heart pathologies ... can present with Gastritis", says the doctor Luis Bujanda, president of the Spanish Association of Gastroenterology.

"When the organism complains of a diffuse Chronic Gastritis (without knowing the cause yet) it is necessary to give the maximum possible rest to the digestive tube, ingesting soft foods or liquids while the discomfort lasts."

"Analgesics can be taken, but never anti-inflammatory: it is a serious error because they damage the gastric-intestinal mucosa by inhibiting their defense mechanisms, which makes them more sensitive to any external attack, for example, an infection."

"To prevent abdominal discomfort is important to bet on the Mediterranean Diet and exercise, take a few precooked foods and do not make hearty meals, try to take smaller portions and more often, dine lightly, do not lie down right after eating and Do not abuse anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs). "

Sometimes, the discomfort in the stomach can be the alarm signal that indicates that there is a serious problem.

If the pain goes more and does not give a break after 48 hours, is accompanied by bleeding or the body does not tolerate any food in 24 hours, it is necessary to go to the Emergency Department.
People with chronic diseases, low defenses or very old age need medical attention as soon as possible.
Usually, the specialist follows the following steps to get to determine a diagnosis:

Clinical history and physical examination. It is essential to review the medical history and a detailed questionnaire, a physical examination, and palpation of the abdomen.
Laboratory analysis. To complement or refine the diagnosis, it is common for physicians to request blood and urine tests, and in some cases, feces.
Image tests. If there are still doubts, a simple x-ray of the abdomen, ultrasound or computed tomography is performed.