Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Smart Training Or Exercise To Get Fit

One of the most recognized New Year's resolutions is to get fit, but if the most conventional exercises give you laziness ... We propose smart training or exercise.

With the new year, also come all those purposes that we set ourselves and that, in many cases, we end up leaving when they spend just a few weeks. Among the most general, we Spaniards are to quit smoking, eat healthier and play sports.

However, going to a gym on our own or going for a run or ride, sometimes does not motivate us enough to maintain our goal in the long term and the consequence is that in a couple of months, there is nothing left of intention or purpose ...

Smart Training Or Exercise To Get Fit

In this sense, the deputy director of Arsenal Madrid proposes intelligent training, in which emotion, physical activity, and food go hand in hand. It consists of a customized system that includes several stages. First, the assessment, in which different tests are performed to know what our real physical condition is; then, the planning, which serves to determine the exercise routines that will be followed; then follow-up, in which we keep a diary with the list of exercises and the diet that has been marked; and, finally, the revaluation, which analyzes the current physical state with the initial one.

In this sense, this training has different characteristics:

  1. An anthropometric body assessment with advice on healthy guidelines.
  2. A fitness training program.
  3. A program of collective activities as compensation for the training routine. Getting a weekly comprehensive training in strength, endurance, cardiovascular and body-mind activity.
  4. Follow-up by coaches with scheduled reviews. - Feeding habits followed by a nutritionist.
  5. Group sessions of health coaching. 

Smart Training Or Exercise To Get Fit

And, for a better result, "Intelligent training is much more than training to improve your physical performance. It is a training concept that provides a balance of physical, mental and emotional improvement ", for which" The important thing is to feel good with the same exercise, and that each woman marks their own objectives with the help of a technical team. In order not to abandon, it is important to feel valued by the effort that is being made and to see the reward. Self-confidence and self-esteem, motivation and personal satisfaction are very important ".

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