Tuesday, April 16, 2019

How To Get Healthy Life?

Exercising more intelligently you can get Healthy Life.

A comprehensive exercise plan includes flexibility, mobility, balance and mid-zone training, cardiovascular exercises, and muscle strengthening. How can you do everything without spending hours in the gym? Get tips on how to combine these elements in a training session that allows you to make the most of your time.


Maybe you do your best to run or do muscle-strengthening exercises, but does your exercise plan go beyond one or two activities? A comprehensive plan includes exercises that benefit the entire body. Each type of exercise offers different advantages. The good news is that they can be combined in the same training session. This means less time in the gym and getting the most out of your money!

  1. Flexibility and movement exercises can improve the way the body moves in space. Dynamic flexibility exercises will help you exercise and carry out your daily activities with fewer restrictions and more freedom. It's like lubricating a hinge to prevent it from locking.
  2. Cardiovascular training has many benefits, including the prevention of chronic diseases and a better quality of life. Therefore, you can not miss your weekly routine. Cardiovascular training does not have to involve walking or running in an endless way. Changing the type of exercise, as well as the amount of time you spend, can radically improve your physical condition.
  3. Muscle-strengthening helps increase muscle mass, which can reduce the percentage of total body fat and keep bones strong. In just 20 minutes, you can do a muscle-strengthening workout that works the entire body. In addition, some routines only require body weight, so they are practical and can be done anywhere.
  4. Balance training is part of the specific sports training for some time. However, you do not have to be a professional athlete to take advantage of their benefits; especially, as you get older. Incorporating exercises that represent a challenge for balance can help break the monotony of a normal workout routine and offer long-term benefits, such as preventing falls.
  5. Training the trunk of the body involves much more than doing abdominals and having a marked belly; The trunk of the body includes all the muscles that support and stabilize the spine. Think how many times you move throughout the day and you will appreciate the importance of having strong muscles in the trunk of the body.

So how can you do all these types of exercise without spending hours in the gym? Here are some tips:

  1. Do dynamic flexibility exercises, such as squats with bodyweight, lunges, scissor jumps or even jog in place, before your session of cardiovascular exercise or muscle strengthening. These are called "movement preparation exercises," precisely because that is what they do: they prepare you to move.
  2. Finish your workout with mobility exercises, such as passing the foam roller by the main muscle groups, to eliminate the pain caused by a good workout.
  3. Try the training with rest. This option is especially useful if you have little time and want to do a good cardiovascular workout. In just 20 minutes, you can achieve the same degree of effort if you train at a higher intensity than you would normally use in 45 to 50 minutes of moderate activity.
  4. Divide your muscle strengthening sessions into shorter routines. If you dedicate three days to muscle strengthening, use one to work the upper body train, another to focus on the activities of the lower body and the last day to combine them in a session that works the whole body. By taking care of a specific area, you will be able to handle the series and repetitions more efficiently, because you will not have the whole body fatigued. When the session that works the whole body arrives, it incorporates some principles of training in circuits - less rest between sets - to achieve complete training in less time.
  5. Use tools, such as a stability ball or a half balance ball, to work out the balance and strengthen the trunk of the body in different ways, while still doing your favorite exercises. For example:

>>Lunge forward with the front foot resting on a half balance ball
>>Chest press with dumbbells on a stability ball instead of on a bench
>>Shoulder press with dumbbells standing on one foot, alternating leg in each series


If you are not currently doing any activity, you can choose a single type of exercise and move forward progressively. For many people, cardiovascular exercise is a good starting point, but you do not have to start there. Choose the activity that is easiest to maintain. And consider the possibility of getting help. A specialized instructor or personal trainer can help you create an appropriate program for you.


Try these suggestions to improve your general fitness-
  1. Incorporates a training session with rest to the aerobic exercise of the week.
  2. Incorporates two exercises to strengthen the middle area of the body to your muscle strengthening routine.
  3. Begin each workout with at least 5 minutes of functional training.
